Minda is American. She uses the American
date format: First the Month, then the DATE as an Ordinal
Number, then a , (comma), and finally the year! Example: July 5th,
No, she was not born in July. She was born in the month of November,
but which date? Was it the 21st ? The 12th? or 23rd? Type the date as an ordinal number (two numbers and two letters).
She was born on
November 22nd, 1956.
November 22nd, 1946.
November 22nd, 2016.
In and on: She was born on
November 22nd. She was born on November 22nd, 1956. She was born
on Monday.
She was born in November. She was born in 1957.
Choose the 3 correct sentences:
She was born in 1966.
She went to the office in Monday.
We were in the library on Tuesday.
The Wright brothers made the first flight in an airplane on December
17, 1903.
He quit his job on April.
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own language, use the Google Translate button at the top-right of the screen.