- Lesson 1 - Hi!
Level: Beginner
Normal, Formal, and Informal Greetings, What's your name?, and possessive adjectives. - Lesson 2 - Where are you from?
Level: Beginner
Includes This vs that and an introduction to introducing people. - Lesson 3a - The Alphabet
Level: Absolute Beginner through Advanced!
Almost everyone needs to review their spelling skills. Includes the alphabet chart and 10 people spelling their names. - Lesson 3b - Spelling Test
Level: Beginner
Spelling Test for Beginners. You will meet both native speakers of English and others learning English as a Second Language. - Lesson 4 - What's your favorite color?
Level: Beginner
A simple beginner clip for more practice with "be". Introduction to "whose" the possessive form of "who". - Lesson 5 - What nationality are you?
Level: Beginner
Listening comprehension and vocabulary plus distinctions between countries and nationalities. Expression "How about.. ?" - Lesson 6 - Introducing yourself & others
Level: Beginner
Making introductions, an important social function. Includes spelling review. Family relationships: inlaws, the apostrophe, expressions with get. - Lesson 7 - What's your astrological sign?
Level: Pre-Intermediate
This lesson concentrates on a great deal of useful vocabulary while introducing like as an adverb. Verb be present tense, continued. - Lesson 8a - Cardinal Numbers
Level: Beginner
This lesson is the basis of the 4 other number lessons where we study numbers in specific useful contexts. - Lesson 8b - Ordinal Numbers
Level: Beginner
Ordinal Numbers. The basic form of ordinal numbers with a illustrations. - Lesson 8c - How old are you?
Level: Beginner
How old are / is, with all subject pronouns. Practice in the affirmative, negative and interrogative. Expression "Do you mind...?" - Lesson 8d - Dates
Level: Beginner
Birthdays and birth dates - use of "in" and "on" (in February, on February 29th). US vs International date formats. Days of the week. - Lesson 9 - Telling the Time
Level: Beginner
Telling the time in the USA and UK - Dictation Quiz: the ultimate in listening comprehension, with a constant help module integrated into the quiz itself. - Lesson 10 - The Jones Family
Level: Beginner
Pure Americana - The family members describe each other. Adjectives galore. Antonyms and synonyms. Review of introducing people. - Lesson 11 - Are you married?
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate
Maital status - Jr. and Sr. (US) - Expression "How dare you...!" Are you married? with other beginner questions. - Lesson 12 - What's the weather like?
Level: Beginner
What's the weather like? All sorts of weather, with vocabulary illusrtations followed by a dictation exercise. - Lesson 15 -Modal Verb Can
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Can (to be able to do something) - Present, past, & future forms: Can, could and will be able to - Adverb placement - "Else" as adverb & adjective. - Lesson 16 - What are the French like?
Level: Intermediate
Introduction to the Present Simple & Past Simple - Object Pronouns - A few uses of get - Introduction to the 2nd Conditional and the Present Perfect. - Lesson 17 - What are the Italians like?
Level: Beginner
Extensive beginner review of lessons 1 to 14 - Enjoy doing - Everyday adjectives not often found in beginner lessons. - Lesson 19 - Giving Directions - "Lost in England"
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate
Can you tell me the way to...? - A typical reply: "Go up to the lights and turn right, then turn left at the stop sign. It's the church on your right." - Lesson 20 - Going to a Place
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Introduction to the Present Continuous: Eleven examples of going to a place - On one's way as synonym - Head as verb. - Lesson 21 - The Present Simple
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Introduction to the Present Simple (Do / Does) - Job activities - The use of "so" for agreement - Grammar recap of this verb tense. - Lesson 23 - Got = Have got = Have
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Includes US/UK variations: pudding, + whatever, "How about...? etc. Gallon / liter conversion - Requests with Can & Can't. - Lesson 24 - What do you do for a living?
Level: Pre-Intermediate
The Simple Present for Jobs - Doing vs Do, as natural as it gets - Review, pronunciation of G & J - Have to and must - Job jargon - One's own (songs). - Lesson 24b - Dream Job
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Reinforcement of "What do you do?" Is that your dream job? What IS your dream job? - "Run" for "manage" - "heart-wrenching", "entrepreneur". - Lesson 29 - Like doing
Level: Pre-Intermediate / Intermediate
Like to do = Like doing - Verbs followed by gerunds - Reflexive pronouns - Like as an interjection, in addition to its main use - A typical use of "stuff". - Lesson 31 - How long does it take?
Level: Pre-Intermediate
A Unique Use of the Present Simple: How long for duations of time - How + adjectives, a very different "How long" (How large, how deep, etc.). - Lesson 34 - Introduction to Present Continuous
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Do vs Doing II - Actions happening in a period around the present moment in time. - I've just arrived: use of Present Perfect with "just". - Lesson 37 - The "Doing" Classic
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate
Extensive practice with the Present Continuous - Present progressive grammar - Basic forms (infinitives) and present continuous forms. - Lesson 38 - What are you wearing?
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate
A wide range of clothing bocabulary - Present progressive grammar - Basic forms (infinitives) and present continuous forms. - Lesson 42 - Was and Were
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Were you good at school? Past of be - So + auxiliary verb + subject for agreeing with someone: so was he, so were they.... - Lesson 43 - Marty & her Daughter
Level: Beginner
Introducing the Simple Past "Did" with irregular verb - Possessive Nouns - Grammar recap of regular and irregular verbs. - Lesson 46 - Yesterday
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Extensive practice with the past simple, includes ago. - Asking oneself a question - So did he; so did I. - Lesson 47 - Used to do
Level: Pre-Intermediate
Used to + infinitive - A unique form of the past tense. Contrast with I am used to doing something. - Lesson 52 - Johnny & Noelle-Christine Brazil
Level: Intermediate
Happy newlyweds bring us the Present Perfect 2 with done, and for vs since - Use of the superlative. - Lesson 53 - The Messenger
Level: Intermediate
James Jackson delivers the Present Perfect 3 thanks to the interviewer's question - How long have...? - Expression "It pays the bills." etc. - Lesson 57 - The Present Perfect Continuous
Level: Intermediate
The Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous are always used with other verb tenses as we see in this lesson. - Lesson 58 - Fernando from Brazil
Level: Intermediate
Fernando - How to learn English or any other second language. Two opinions reflecting two types of language learners.
Free Online English Lessons
English listening is extremely important. Real English is the only site with interactive multimedia exercises for ESL students using spontaneous native speakers. No actors here. It's the real thing. Serious learning fun is guaranteed thanks to our smart exercises at the heart of the Real English experience.Free English classes
Be prepared for something really very different in English learning. Our ESL library of natural English video is huge. We have interviewed thousands of people on the streets of over 40 of the major cities and small towns of the US and the UK, and we have kept only the best for our lessons starring these volunteers. They are in fact, our best teachers, providing us with the spontaneity so sorely lacking in ESL teaching and learning materials.
Real English
A lot of ESL teachers, especially new ones who want to guide their students before giving them a Real English lesson as a homework assignment, for example, ask "Where should my students begin? Are the levels based on grammar difficulty or do the more difficult lessons simply include people who speak the fastest?"
The answer to this question is not simple. Real English is really different. But as you will see, I conclude that everybody should begin with lesson
1, even the intermediate and advanced students.
But even more important than Lesson 1 is the
second half of Lesson 3a. Students of all levels should absolutely not
miss this spelling test. It makes it very clear that spontaneous spelling
at normal speed is very difficult, even for the so-called "advanced" student!
I've been teaching with it for over 25 years and it is very
rare to find a student, who is able to spell all the names of the 12 people
he meets in this second half of Lesson 3a!

Let's go back to the teacher's question "Where should my students begin?" because the answer will also reveal why Real English is so unique.
There are 2 ways to measure the level of difficulty of a real English conversation:
1 -The grammar structure used. Is it a simple structure
such as the present tense of "be" in "My name is Rachel", for example? Or
does it involve the need to use the past perfect with the past simple tense
as in "Before I knew it, she had run out the door." The first example is
covered in lessons for beginners, and the second example is usually covered
at the upper intermediate level.
2 - But there's a second way we measure the level of difficulty,
which is all about the nature of the spoken word. Is the listening
comprehension easy or difficult? It's probably easy if you're listening
to a person who is speaking slowly and distinctly, talking in a way that
some people think will help "foreigners" to undestand. But listen
to the same person saying the same thing spontaneously, in a normal, natural
way, not worried about who might or might not understand! Now you're in
Real English territory and the real challenges begin.
In other words, the Real English conversations that you hear in the interviews
are based on simple grammar structures at the beginning, progressing towards
the more difficult ones towards the end. It's truly classic. It's the same
type of progression that you find in ALL the books and online courses by
Cambridge, VOA, the BBC or the British council. However, all these English-learning
companies don't begin with ordinary people speaking naturally.
In Real English, you will hear at least a few people speaking fast, and
perhaps with an accent that you never heard before in lesson 1, but in lesson
55, for example, dealing with the 2nd conditional, you might hear people
speaking a bit more slowly, but using a grammar structure that is considered
as much more advanced. Real English is a bit complicated, but a lot of serious
fun for learners.
This shows us that there are clearly 2 ways to think about "levels"
and how hard any one lesson might be. All of this simply shows that listening
comprehension always comes first when learning any language. Sticking to
a curriculum is not as important as training your ears. You must listen
A LOT, preferably to the real people you will also be speaking to when you
are finished with all your English courses!
One last comment: the important point is to watch the video WITHOUT subtitles the first time you watch it. Listening with subtitles is fine for reading comprehension but not the best way to train your ears.
And if you want to have the best pronunciation possible, listen several times without the subtitles. Immerse yourself in the music of English before bothering seriously with the meaning and the structures.

Highly recommended for you, learning English, or for you, teaching English because contents are excellent. And that’s what really matters. I’m fed up of posting about sites which claim to have great multimedia resources, and when you go deeper you realize it’s just another 2.0 sleek site without a methodology behind, with just a bunch of videos form youtube or bliptv and stuff. Here’s the opposite. Probably the best EFL content ever. They own a great treasure, i.e. probably the largest array of video resources/realia for EFL learners.
Read reviews of Real English® from American Universities and EFL & ESL Specialists.
How to use Real English:
On our blog: basic instructions in 42
1 -Watch the video without subtitles. This is always the first video at the top of a lesson page. This is an example of a lesson page.
2 - Click on and do all the exercises!
3 - Answer all the questions in the exercise and click on the button for the next exercise.
4 - Come back to the lesson page where you began and watch the video with subtitles.

The Real Team: Mike & Valérie Marzio
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