Lesson 10, Exercise 7 - Patty Describes Her Sister Mary

Type the answers.

Interviewer: And can you give me 2 or 3 adjectives that describe your sister?

Mary: Oh, my sister is and . Is that an adjective? And, uhm, uh, . That's three!

Vocabulary (adjectives):

We see witty person, very small. A witty person uses clever humour or wit. Listen:
witty: using words cleverly; amusing, humorous, and clever or sharp at the same time (it is difficult to draw or find a picture of a witty person!)

Einsten here. He was really intelligent, very smart.
intelligent: smart, brainy, bright, gifted, quick, sharp.

athletic people love sports as we see 2 people here practicing soccer and jogging
athletic: fit, sporty, healthy, in good shape, energetic, strong, active.

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