Lesson 8d, Exercise 1 - Listen!

Listen to the month. Type it. Tap or click on 'Check' at the end.
Ordinal numbers for the months:
the 12 months.jpg

What is the first (1st) month of the year? Listen:
Begin with a capital J (not j):

The fourth (4th) month of the year: Listen:
Begin with a capital A (not a):

The sixth month of the year: Listen:

The seventh month of the year: Listen:

The second month of the year:

The twelfth month of the year:

The third month of the year:

The eleventh month of the year:
The fifth month of the year:

The eighth month of the year:

The tenth month of the year:

The twelfth month of the year:

The ninth month of the year:

If you need a translation to your own language, use the Google Translate button at the top-right of the screen.