Lesson 30 - What do you like to do for fun?
Part 2 - Exercise 6
Watch the video. Choose the correct word(s) then press "Check" to check your answers.
VERBS: Own, Raise, Mow - NOUNS: Pasture, Acre, Hectare. Listen:
Own = possess. He owns 50 acres. Nelson owns 2 tractors. In the picture we see his favorite one. It's a green John Deere 655 tractor.
Pasture = grass for the farm animals. A pasture is also the piece of land.
Raise = to grow. For example, to raise vegetables, or to raise pigs or hogs.
Mow = to cut. In this picture we see Nelson mowing his pasture.
Mount = to get on. We can mount a horse, for example, or we can mount a tractor.
Own = possess. He owns 50 acres. Nelson owns 2 tractors. In the picture we see his favorite one. It's a green John Deere 655 tractor.
Pasture = grass for the farm animals. A pasture is also the piece of land.
Raise = to grow. For example, to raise vegetables, or to raise pigs or hogs.
Mow = to cut. In this picture we see Nelson mowing his pasture.
Mount = to get on. We can mount a horse, for example, or we can mount a tractor.
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