Lesson 23, Exercise 10: What has Craig got in his briefcase?

Watch the video. Type the 6 answers, then click on "Check".
   brochure      card      dictaphone      map      papers      tickets   

What has Craig got in his briefcase? Type one the words from this list for each picture:
   brochure    card     dictaphone     map     papers     tickets

Various papers concerning work at the office.
1 - He's got some work .

A brochure about the Bank of Boston
2 - Craig says "things about his company". In fact, he has a about his company.

A map of London for tourists.
3 - Craig is from Boston. He has got a to find his way around London.

Airline tickets
4 - To get back to Boston, he's got his plane .

A Valentine's card he forgot to give to his wife.
5 - He's also got a Valentine's (which he forgot to give to his... wife?).

A dictaphone which was used years ago to record business information or anything else, usually voice.
6 - When he's got good ideas, he records them on his .
The answer to number 6 is "dictaphone", but dictaphones no longer exist! They were replaced by mobile phones around 2015, of course!

If you need a translation to your own language, use the Google Translate button at the top-right of the screen.