Lesson 2, ESL Exercise 5 - Grammar for Real Beginners

Verb to BE - Present Tense

Subject + Verb
Singular Plural
I am We are
You are You are
He is - She is - It is They are
Singular Plural
I'm We're
You're You're
He's - She's - It's They're
Watch the video. Listen to the audio.

Four people from New Jersey.

Subtitled video:

I am from New Jersey. The people in the red car are from New Jersey too.

Jill and Cheryl are from the U.S.A.

Subtitled video:

Mario is from Italy.
Watch the video. Type the verbs without contractions (is or are or am). Click on the "Check" button.

Howie from Toronto, Canada. Irving, Stevie, and David from Toronto, Canada, too.

Review of verb to be.
Examples of contractions:
= I am from Toronto. = I'm from Toronto.
We're = We are
from Toronto. = We are from Toronto.
He's = He is from Toronto. = He is from Toronto.
Howie says: "We're from Toronto, Canada" (with contraction, We are = We're).
Listen to Howie: Listen to me:

If you need a translation to your own language, use the Google Translate button at the top-right of the screen.