Lesson 14, Exercise 12: Crossword Puzzle.
Exercise 12 (last exercise in Lesson 14)
Click on a number. Type all the adjectives, then click
on "Check".
Across: |
2. | terrible, horrible |
5. | worldly |
6. | self-restraining, almost shy |
8. | arrogant, stuck-up |
9. | boring, dull, starched, old-fashioned |
10. | just |
Down: |
1. | the opposite of sophisticated |
3. | well-educated |
4. | in other respects, in other ways... |
7. | similar to snobbish; arrogant, pretentious. |
9. | the beginning |
Look at the answers. It's a difficult exercise!
2 - Across: the same as "terrible, extremely bad or unpleasant, horrible" - awful Exercise 9
5 - Across: "cultured, refined, cultivated, cosmopolitan, worldly" - sophisticated Exercise 8
6 - Across: "do not show many feelings, and are shy" - reserved Exercise 2
8 - Across: "arrogant, pretentious - snobbish Exercise 4
9 - Across: "boring, dull, starched, old-fashioned" - stuffy Exercise 3
10 - Across: "just, not partial to one person" - fair Exercise 1
1 - Down: the opposite of "sophisticated" - naive Exercise 8
3 - Down: the same as "well-educated" - knowledgeable Exercise 7
4 - Down: "in other ways, in contrast to" - otherwise Exercise 5
7 - Down: similar to snobbish; arrogant, pretentious" - pompousExercise 6
9 - Down: "the origin or root" This is the only noun. All the other words in this crossword are adjectives/adverbs. sourceExercise 10
If you need a translation to your own language, use the Google Translate button at the top-right of the screen.