Lesson 10, Exercise 10 -

Look and listen. Type the answers below on the right using only the answers you hear,
then click or tap on Check.
Gracious kid with a tiny picture of Pat who is also gracious
Pat is gracious.

Illustrating the opposite of gracious, which is mean. We see an unkind kid. He's mean.

The opposite of gracious is unkind (mean).
For example, short is the opposite of tall.
Illustration of very tall basketball player next to an ordinary guy.

Wide is the opposite of narrow.
We illustrate wide and narrow roads.

Funny is the opposite of sad.
Picture of opposites, funny and sad

Athletic is the opposite of unathletic.
We illustrate an athletic tennis player next to an unathletic smoker!

is the opposite of ugly.
Our attractive girl is contrasted with a ugly witch.

QUESTION 2: is the opposite of fat.
Fat woman contrasted with a thin one

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